It’s Monday, 11:30 pm and I am writing post for you! In few hours I will be in my favourite place but I don’t want you to wait another week for post so I am coming with relations from: DUBLIN PORT RIVERFEST!
Every year people from Dublin preparing big festival during the long weekend in June. You can see a lot of boats and ships, meet people from different countries and try some really good food (not only irish) 😉 I hope the pictures will be good enough to show you how amazing that festival is, and.. how beautiful weather was in Dublin that day! Enjoy! 🙂
 As You can see the weather was amazing and that was a really good place to have fun! I spent there just few minutes cause t was too hot!! But I bring some Polish donuts to home 😉
That’s all guys! I hope you will enjoy this post! I am going to take a short nap cause in few hours we would have to go to the airport! If You want to know where I am going, don’t forget to followe my Instagram!
Eff 🙂
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